
Showing posts with the label msd 3 step wiring diagram

41 msd 3 step wiring diagram

If you already have the MSD 6AL connected then here is the Multi-Step Retard PN 8972 Wiring. Black - To ground Red - To Switched 12 volts (Ignition on/off) Yellow - To white wire on MSD 6AL Violet - To Starter Solenoid Switched 12 volt wire White - To Points or amplifier trigger wire Violet/Green - To Distributor Mag (+) and Mag (-) There are three circuits that can be used to trigger the MSD Ignition; a Points circuit (the White wire), a Magnetic Pickup circuit (the Green and Violet wires), and a Hall-effect wire (White/Blue). Only one circuit will be used at a time. Here is the install of the MSD 3 Step... This one is for the analog 6AL box that's older. MSD also makes one of these for the digital 6AL box.Thanks For Wa... Msd 3 step wiring diagram