38 pool filter settings diagram
deep trenches, one from the pool skimmer to the front of pump, and the other from the pool return fitting to the filter return port. The two 8 ft. long hoses (36) are interchangable and used for the suction and return lines. Slip a hose clamp over the ends of each hose prior to installing. Connect one long hose (suction line) between the pool ... The Pool Filter System is designed to use special silica sand to remove dirt particles from pool water. Filter sand is loaded into the filter tank and functions as a permanent dirt and debris removing medium. Pool water, which contains dirt particles, is pumped through the intake hose leading from the pool to the filter tank and is directed by ...
For start-up cleaning and resetting filter bed after backwashing. WASTE PUMP WASTE For vacuuming directly to waste, lowering pool level or draining pool. CLOSED NO FLOW. DO NOT USE WHEN PUMP IS IN OPERATION For shutting off all flow to filter and pool. RECIRCULATE PUMP POOL RETURN For circulating water without going through filter.

Pool filter settings diagram
So what do all those settings mean? Filter. The lever should be on the 'Filter' setting most of the time. This is the setting that provides normal pool filtration by pushing the water through the filter media (sand, glass beads or D.E) that then traps any dirt and debris before the water is returned to the pool. During normal filtration, on the "Filter" setting, water moves through the filter in one direction - top to bottom for sand filters, and bottom to top for DE filters. When the MPV handle is moved 180° to the "Backwash" position, water flow is reversed as it enters and exits the filter tank. A close up bird’s eye view of a Hayward Multiport valve -Positions are in ORANGE. If you use a sand filter to maintain your above-ground or in-ground pool, you may have noticed that the handle on the multiport head has either 6 or 7 positions that the filter can be set to. Like many pool owners you are probably pretty familiar with the “filter” and “backwash” positions, but you may ...
Pool filter settings diagram. This setting re-compacts the sand in the filter after backwashing. Circulate/Recirculate/Bypass. This setting returns water to the pool without passing through ... Swimming Pool Plumbing Diagrams 1 Standard Skimmer with 2 Main Drains & 3 Returns. Swimming Pool Main Drains must be installed in accordance with the VIRGINIA GRAEME BAKER POOL AND SPA SAFETY ACT and all applicable ASME/ANSI safety standards. *American National Standards Institute and published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. There are many different valve settings on a pool filter. Filter, backwash,rinse,winter, recirculate settings all perform different functions when used to ma... Parts Diagrams. To view these documents, you will need to download the free Acrobat Reader, which gives you instant access to PDF files. ... ALL (27) APPLY FILTER . By Pool Type . In Ground Above Ground By Category . Pool Pumps Pool Filters Pool Heaters Pool Cleaners Pool Sanitization Pool Automation Pool Lighting Pool
The Filter setting connects the standpipe to the RETURN port. From there the water flows back to the pool through the return line and return jets or waterfall. Multiport Valve Diagram (FILTER) In addition to regular pool filtration. The Filter setting is also used to vacuum your pool when it is mildly dirty. The diagrams below are meant to be general examples of how you can route your swimming pool's plumbing as well as how you can set up your equipment pad. If you have questions you can leave them in the comment section below or you're always welcome to contact our team! GOOD TO KNOW. Skimmers and returns locations should be placed intentionally. the off position and filter manual relief valve must be in open position. Before starting system pump, all system valves must be set in a position that allows system water to return back to the pool. Do not change filter control valve position whilst system pump is operating. Before starting system pump, fully open filter manual air relief valve. What do the settings on my Sand Filter do? By Debbie - Updated On: 01/20/20. A sand filter uses a multi-port valve to operate the filter which removes dirt, algae and visible contaminants that enter a swimming pool. You must operate the filter system at least eight to twelve hours per day in order to remove wastes effectively.
Pay attention to position of pool and pump so adequate ventilation, drainage, and access for cleaning is available. Never place pump in an area that may accumulate water, or in an area where foot traffic will flow around the pool. NOTE: Atmospheric conditions may affect the performance and life span of your filter pump. The pool water, which contains suspended dirt particles, is pumped through your piping system and is automatically directed by the patented filter control valve to the top of the filter tank. As the pool water is pumped through the filter sand, dirt particles are trapped by the sand bed, and filtered out. The cleaned pool water is Pool Plumbing Layouts. Use these Jandy pool plumbing layouts to visualize how the water is pumped from the pool under vacuum and then pumped through the filter and heater, and back to the pool, under pressure. These pool piping plans are also useful for pool plumbing renovations, where you might replace all of the aboveground plumbing, along ... The sand filter has now started its filtering cycle. Check that water is returning to the pool and take note of the filter pressure on Pressure Gauge. Generally, the recommended sand filter pressure is less than 0.45Bar (6.5PSI) when it is running. Drain the pool according to the pool owner’s manual.
The “Waste” setting is a bypass position on the multiport valve. After water is sucked in by the pool pump, it’s directed straight out of the system before it can come into contact with the filter.. This setting is predominantly used when draining a pool.Draining is done for numerous reasons, including cleaning the pool, repairing the finish, or diluting the water due to an overabundance ...
pump and sand filter. When setting up pool water turnovers or flow rates the operator must . consider local codes governing turnover as well as disinfectant feed ratios. DO NOT increase pump size; this may increase the flow rate through the
Assemble the Pool Filter. Assemble the pool filter according to its manufacturer's instructions. Typically, you will screw in the pressure gauge first, using a wrench to firmly secure the nut on the last few screws. Secure the pool filter's drain cap. Next move on to putting together the internal lateral piping.
The Basics of Swimming Pool Filters. Swimming pools and spa are subject to constant contamination from foreign matter brought in by swimmers, wind and articles used in and around the pool. Filtration is the mechanical process of removing this insoluble matter from swimming pool and spa water. Water clarity is important for appearance, hygiene and safety.
The “filter” setting on a multiport pool filter valve is for filtering the pool's water and is the main setting. “Backwash” and “rinse” positions are used when ...
7. If the filter needs to be located above the water level of the pool, it can be raised 2.5 ft. without affecting the pump efficiency.A check valve is recommended on the suction line to the pump. 8. If the filter is to be installed below the water level of the pool, isolation valves should be installed on
1. Position the filter as close to the Swimming Pool/ Spa as possible. 2. Position the filter so that it is free from flooding, away from sumps, guttering, garden hollows, etc. 3. Position the filter so that the piping connections, Multiport Valve and winter drain is convenient and accessible for operation, servicing and winterizing. 4.
Apr 07, 2020 · The filter. The water pushed by the pool pump flows through this tank filled with a filter medium and comes out of it free of all impurities. The most commonly used is the sand filter but on a small pool or above ground pool, the cartridge filter is a good option. For exceptional filtration fineness, the diatomaceous earth filter is a good choice.
Use only special pool-grade filter sand, free of all limestone or clay: #20 Silica sand 0.45-0.85mm, approximately one 9kg bag should suffice. If you do not use the recommended size of filter sand, filtering performance will be reduced and the sand filter may damaged, thereby voiding the warranty.
When you locate the filter or pump you need click on the link to view the parts diagram. If you still have questions, we recommend that you contact the manufacturer directly to get your questions answered. Here are the major manufacturer's technical support contact information: Hayward Technical Support 1-908-355-7995.
The many pool filter settings on a multiport valve on a swimming pool sand filter can be pretty confusing when you first get a pool. But, like most things, it is pretty simple once you know. You will soon understand what all of the pool filter valve positions mean. There are normally 6 different pool filter settings on a multiport valve which are Filter, Backwash, Waste, Rinse, Recirculate and Closed.
Going in a clockwise direction that sequence is: FILTER, WASTE, (WINTER), CLOSED, BACKWASH, RECIRCULATE, and RINSE. All settings except "WINTER" stop on a deep slot. The "WINTER" setting is generally positioned on a shallow slot to allow water to drain from the valve.
Filters. Diagram A. Folding Lateral Assembly. SYSTEM BASE ASSEMBLY. 22 24. 23 25. 28 27. 29 26. 3 31. Parts Diagram. PRINTED 9/26/2017 AT 11:54 AM. 19 a 19 20 21 a a. Drain Cap Kit. 13 a b c a b c a b c a b c b b b. a b c a b c b a b. 5 4 3 2 1 8 12 9 14 6 11 10 7 19 15 19 21 21. a b. 17 17 16 18 14 b. HAYWARD.
A close up bird’s eye view of a Hayward Multiport valve -Positions are in ORANGE. If you use a sand filter to maintain your above-ground or in-ground pool, you may have noticed that the handle on the multiport head has either 6 or 7 positions that the filter can be set to. Like many pool owners you are probably pretty familiar with the “filter” and “backwash” positions, but you may ...
During normal filtration, on the "Filter" setting, water moves through the filter in one direction - top to bottom for sand filters, and bottom to top for DE filters. When the MPV handle is moved 180° to the "Backwash" position, water flow is reversed as it enters and exits the filter tank.
So what do all those settings mean? Filter. The lever should be on the 'Filter' setting most of the time. This is the setting that provides normal pool filtration by pushing the water through the filter media (sand, glass beads or D.E) that then traps any dirt and debris before the water is returned to the pool.
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